Printed Version Request



To all readers, researchers, and authors, you can now order the printed version of IRJBS whenever you require it. The printed version of IRJBS will be available as Print on Demand (POD) copies. To order the printed version, please check these steps:

  1. Fill in the order form here (Order Form) and send it back to us via email to
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Subscription Rate (2017-2018):

Product IRJBS Subscribe for Indonesia Overseas
Printed 1 year 3 issues IDR 630,000 USD 140
Printed 2 year 6 issues IDR 1,230,000 USD 280

 The price above includes the shipment cost.

Purchase information rate (2017-2018)*:

Product IRJBS  Printed
 1 Number  IDR 150,000
 1 Volume (No. 1, 2, 3)  IDR 450,000

The price above excludes the shipment cost and bank transfer charged.

*for domestic shipments