
Dear Researchers, Academicians, Business Practitioners,

You are invited to submit your study, and your research result, in journal article format in INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STUDIES (IRJBS).

We encourage submissions from all regions of the world.  The primary objective of IRJBS is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the area of business studies by presenting the results of an empirical study, including rigorous research methods, and providing managerial implications to the readers.

The scope of IRJBS is business management, which includes the areas:

  • strategic management,
  • marketing management,
  • finance management,
  • organization,
  • human resources management, and
  • operations management.

IRJBS publishes high-quality articles/papers using rigorous research with questions, evidence, and conclusions that are related to corporate management studies and recent trends which are relevant to business management scholars and business practitioners.

IRJBS is the national accredited journal published by Prasetiya Mulya Publishing, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Indonesia. It has been accredited by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, SINTA 2, and indexed by Garuda Kemendikbud, Index Copernicus, Dimensions, DOAJ.

Submit your paper online on the website (Submission)
and notify the editor of IRJBS by email: or contact message +628558426332

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Fax: +62-21-765 3110