An Assessment of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Vietnam


  • Lien Thi Hoa Do Hoa Do Thi Hoa Do Departement of Business Administration. University of Labor and Social Affairs 1018 Đ. Tô Ký, Tân Chánh Hiệp, Quận 12, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 70000
  • Phuong Vo Hang Hoang Departement of Business Administration. University of Labor and Social Affairs 1018 Đ. Tô Ký, Tân Chánh Hiệp, Quận 12, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 70000



Assessing the ecosystem, Entrepreneurial ecosystem, Entrepreneurial ecosystem components


The paper approached the quantitative analysis such as FGLS to assess the relevance of the factors of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The data were exploited for seven locations in Vietnam from 2011 to 2020. The results show that market size, infrastructure, policies, human capital, science and technology have a statistically significant impact on entrepreneurial ecosystem. Of which, market size and infrastructure placed the greatest impact on the ecosystem. In addition to the model, time dummy variable was added to examine the impact of the time period after 2016 to the ecosystem, and the variable was proved to have a statistically significant effect on the ecosystem. The results also revealed the fact that the progress of the ecosystem require the synchronous development of entrepreneurial components.



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How to Cite

Hoa Do, L. T., & Hang Hoang, P. V. (2024). An Assessment of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Vietnam. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 17(1), 21-30.

How to Cite

Hoa Do, L. T., & Hang Hoang, P. V. (2024). An Assessment of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Vietnam. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 17(1), 21-30.